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We have a large selection of Polish Folk Dolls representing most regions of Poland. These come in Historical figures, porcelain, baby doll and Barbie styles. We also carry a selection of wooden nesting dolls from Poland and Russia! Hand made costuming details will vary slightly so no two will be exactly alike.
<==== Polish Heritage Special!!! 50% off
  • "Baby" Style

    Hand made costuming details will vary slightly so no two will be exactly alike.
  • Polish Historical Series

    There have been many great Polish men and women throughout history yet many are not as widely known as they should be. To rectify that we present here a series of some of the greatest Poles: Kings and queens, scientists, scholars and national heroes. Made in Krakow, all hand made of the finest materials, using age old techniques. What better way to honor our past?
  • Traditional

    Traditional Polish Dolls
    Our Traditional Folk dolls are made in Krakow, Poland completely by hand. The dolls are made using techniques that have not changed in generations. Made primarily of paper mache and cloth and certified to meet original folk costume designs. Facial features are hand painted by local artisans. Some of the dolls have additional features like buckets or fences made with natural woods and leather. These dolls are truly unique and representative of Poland's outstanding contribution to Polish folk art and family traditions.